When searching for chickens, you may come across another breed, the White Crested Black Polish. You may wonder what makes this breed unique, or if this bird suits your flock.
Are the roosters and little chicks of this variety attractive, fun, and friendly? Does it lay white eggs of good quality?
Check out all the answers to these questions by learning about White Crested Black Polish chickens.
What is a White Crested Black Polish?
The White Crested Black Polish is a variety of chicken characterized by its striking contrast of lustrous black body plumage and white crest. This bird is also known for its long, flowing tail feathers and slender build.
Several things make White Crested Black Polish chickens unique. First, they have a very distinctive appearance, with their sleek black plumage, white crest, and long tails. In addition, they have full round breasts and V-shaped combs.
Their buff laced polish baby chicks have white ‘top hats’ and black bodies. You’ll appreciate these cute chickens, which are both valuable and adorable.
Breed Quick Facts
If you are looking for a chicken that is sure to stand out in your flock, the White Crested Black Polish is a great choice!
- Use: excellent layer of medium-large white eggs.
- Temperament: relatively calm chicken breed, making them a good choice for backyard chicken enthusiasts.
- Characteristics: Wonderful persistent layers
- Livestock Conservancy Status: Watch
- Weight: Hens are 4-5 pounds; Roosters are 5-6 pounds.
Where can you get this breed?
The best opportunity to purchase this breed is through a reputable hatchery. Some hatcheries that offer them are:
History of White Crested Black Polish Chickens
Although the name might suggest the White Crested Black Polish flock originated from Poland, that is not accurate. Their history is obscure. But we do know these birds were likely brought to North America by European settlers in the 1800s.
The American Standard of Perfection admitted White Crested Black Polish chicken in 1874. However, the chicken did not gain much popularity in the United States until the 20th century.
Today, White Crested Black Polish chickens are still relatively rare in North America. They are considered a heritage variety and are listed as “watch” by the Livestock Conservancy.

Characteristics of these lovely and interesting chickens
The primary color of White Crested Black Polish chickens is black. However, a small amount of white plumage is also common. White feathers may appear on the tail and crest and on the lower portion of the legs.
Some varieties have white feathers with a few black feathers on tails and crest. This is an ornamental breed with buff color Baby chicks.
Livestock Conservancy Status
This variety is considered a “watch” species by the Livestock Conservancy due to its relatively rare status in North America.
Size and Weight
Generally, White Crested Black Polish hens weigh around 4-5 pounds, while males can weigh up to 5-6 pounds, and the largest can be 7.5 pounds. They are small to medium-sized chickens.
White Crested Black Polish chickens are a heritage breed characterized by their black plumage and large white crest. These birds are also known for their long tails and slender build. White Crested Black Polish chickens are relatively small birds.
White Crested Black Polish chickens are known for their gentle temperaments and friendly dispositions. These birds make great pets and are also very prolific egg layers. They can be timid and easily frightened even though they’re normally tame.
Egg Production
White Crested Black Polish chickens are known for their excellent egg production. These hens typically lay between 150 and 200 eggs per year, making them a great choice for anyone looking to raise backyard-laying hens.
They produce white to creamy white eggs, and the size of the eggs ranges from medium to large. Several chicken coop owners have reported finding their most productive layers using a wireless chicken coop camera.
Uses of White Crested Black Polish

Among the uses of White Crested Black Polish chickens are ornamental and egg production. Their feathers are often used for decorative purposes, while their eggs make a delicious addition to any breakfast. White Crested Black Polish chickens are also popular pets found in backyard flocks across North America.
The Good and Bad of White Crested Black Polish Chickens
- White Crested Black Polish chickens are known for their high egg production. These birds typically lay between 150 and 200 eggs per year. This makes this breed suitable for anyone looking to raise backyard-laying hens.
- White Crested Black Polish chickens are also known for their docile temperaments and friendly dispositions.
- White Crested Black Polish chickens are challenging to find because they are a heritage breed and are considered “watch” by the Livestock Conservancy. They are relatively uncommon compared to other breeds.
- They also require more space than other chicken breeds, as they are known to be efficient foragers and do well on free-range farms.
Feeding and watering White Crested Black Polish Chickens

White Crested Black Polish chickens are omnivorous birds that thrive on commercial chicken feed and fresh fruits and vegetables. They also appreciate access to fresh water by one of the best chicken watering systems and green grass.
Are White Crested Black Polish chickens a good choice for beginner chicken-keepers?
Yes, White Crested Black Polish chickens can be a good choice for novice chicken keepers, but they require more space and care than other breeds. These birds are active foragers and tend to do well on free-range farms, making them less suitable for small backyards.
What is the lifespan of White Crested Black Polish chickens?
The average lifespan of White Crested Black Polish chickens is around 5-6 years. However, some individuals may live up to 10 years or more.
Is White Crested Black Polish Right for You?

White Crested Black Polish chickens are a great addition to your backyard flock with their striking appearance and friendly nature. However, do your research first and find good reviews because this breed is a heritage breed and is considered to be “watch.” They are not as common as other chicken breeds and can be challenging to find. This chicken may be a unique variety that not many people keep.
When searching for White Crested Black Polish chicks, you may have to order them from a hatchery or breeder. Once your baby chicks have arrived healthy within the ship date, please provide them with fresh water, and plenty of space to roam and forage.