Like most chicken keepers, you know that providing your chickens with a reliable and consistent water source is essential to their health and well-being. A chicken watering system can take many different forms, from a simple watering source situated outside the coop to a more elaborate design that recycles the water inside the cell.
No matter what type of water system you choose, it’s essential to ensure that your chickens always have access to clean fresh water by using the best chicken waterer.
What is a Chicken Watering system?
A chicken waterer might save you the trouble of hauling water to your chicken coop many times a day. The advantage of a poultry waterer is that you can often top up the reserve with a large quantity, minimizing the number of visits you have to do. In most cases, the best chicken waterers discharge a tiny amount of water at a time. As a result, evaporation is reduced, keeping the water fresh for chickens or turkeys.
Chicken Watering system types with Examples
We have gathered the best chicken waterers with customer ratings by feature. Here is a quick feature comparison:
Semi-automatic waterers are a cross between manual and automated systems. Both electric and manual refills are available for these devices.
This sort of chicken water pot is ideal for people who like the comfort of automatic chicken waterers, but still want the option of manually refilling it if necessary.
Semi-Automatic OverEz Waterer
With 12 gallons, the OverEZ Chicken Waterer can deliver clean water for up to a month, eliminating regular maintenance. You can satisfy three hens simultaneously, thanks to its drip-free nipples. It also comes with a power cable access port.
- Worry free setup keeps water clean and free of debris
- Cheap and easy to install and use
- It can be adapted to fit any size bucket or PVC pipe
- Cups may become stuck, making it difficult to drink from them
- It will not function in freezing temperatures and snowfall
Automatic chicken Waterer
When the water level in a chicken water pot drops too low, an automatic chicken waterer refills itself. This sort of water pot is a suitable option for individuals who don’t want to top up their chicken waterer regularly.
Bell-Matic Poultry Waterer
The chicken water is a classic design that will keep your flock hydrated. The two-piece unit comes in white and red, making it stand out. Since the jar is white, dirt will have quickly seen, which helps to improve your sanitation.
- You don’t need electricity to run the chicken waterer since it is gravity-powered through the hose
- It’s less likely to topple because of its broad base
- The water level indicator automatically refills
- The watering pot is large enough to dip wattles in
- There’s no simple method to hang your chicken waterer if that’s your preference
nipple chicken waterer
Instead of a trough or open basin area, nipples are simple add-ons that administer water in tiny, regulated volumes. The chickens press their beaks on a toggle to let the water out. This water system is designed to keep the water clean and secure until the chicken needs it.
Horizontal Nipple Chicken Waterer
Having a 5 gallon chicken waterer is a great choice. Keeping four hens hydrated with this poultry waterer means you only have to clean and refill it four or five times a month.
Refilling the water reservoir couldn’t be easier thanks to the waterer’s detachable top. If you wish to hang your water pot, you may purchase an optional top cone and hanging chain. Both are available for purchase individually to round out this water system.
- Keeps bird poop out of the water system
- Easier access for all birds
- Hanging installation option for this chicken waterer saves space
- Since these nipples aren’t the cups your hens are accustomed to, they’ll need some time to become acclimated to them
Hanging chicken waterer
A hanging chicken waterer is a good choice for small flocks. It can be hung from a beam inside the chicken house or placed on a stand outside, but not in direct sunlight.
This type of poultry waterer is easy to top up and clean, and it keeps the water clean and fresh. However, it is essential to keep an eye on the water level, as chickens can empty a hanging chicken waterer quickly.
Harris Farms 1000310 Cup-A-Water
What’s better than a Harris Farms product? A Harris Farms product that’s also made in the USA! The Harris Farms 1000310 Cup-A-Water is one such product, and it’s an excellent choice for a hanging chicken waterer.
Refilling the water system couldn’t be easier thanks to the waterer’s detachable top. If you wish to hang your water pot, you may purchase an optional top cone and hanging chain. Both are available for purchase individually.
- Keeps bird poop out of the water reservoir
- Easier access for multiple birds
- Durably designed chicken watering system
- Can be hung anywhere in the coop to save space
- Made in the USA
- Some chickens find it difficult to learn how to activate the float
Heated chicken watering system
Generally speaking, when temperatures drop below freezing, a heated chicken waterer prevents water from freezing to keep your drinking water safe. As a result, you can ensure your hens’ health and well-being by providing them with warm water. As a result, this device is highly recommended for all poultry farms, regardless of their size.
Heated Plastic Poultry Fountain
If your hens’ water source freezes in the winter, you may want to try using a heated one. Then, they won’t be shattering their bowl of water’s ice daily!
It’s still a good idea to check on them twice a day, even if you’re utilizing this method. They will cease producing eggs if they don’t have enough water.
- Prevents water from freezing, so your chickens will always have access to fresh water without needing to constantly top it up
- Comes with 16ft grounded electrical cord
- Built in thermostat keeps water at comfortable drinking temperature
- It holds 3 gallons of drinking water
- Easy to clean
- The nipples can freeze in extremely cold temperatures (below -20 F).
- Carrying a full waterer is difficult since the handle is fragile.
Chicken Water Cups
It is the most common type of chicken waterer. Chicken water cups consist of a basin or trough with several chicken waterer cups attached. The chickens drink from the cups, and the gravity-fed basin is kept full (thanks to gravity pulling water down).
RentACoop automatic Chicken waterers
For birds, the invention of chicken waterer cups is groundbreaking. But, unfortunately, when it comes to specific brands, the cup’s valve breaks long before it’s time to throw it away. RentACoop chicken waterer uses a weighted cup to alleviate this issue.
- Automatic chicken waterers prevent chickens from drowning and keeps them hydrated
- Cups are designed not to spill or overflow, so there is little chance of water waste
- Perfect for small or large flocks
- The durability of the cup provides great value for money
- There is no supply jar, tank, or pipe included in this set; therefore, you must purchase one of these separately.
Dome chicken Watering System
Just as the name suggests, a dome chicken waterer is a water dispenser with a dome-shaped top. The reason for this design is to prevent debris from getting into the water reservoir and to keep the water clean.
Little Giant Plastic Dome chicken Waterer
The little giant plastic dome chicken waterer is a top-fed gravity water system that will keep your chickens hydrated with little effort on your part. It comes with a 8-gallon tank and can be placed on the ground by its sturdy three-legged base.
- Design prevents debris and dirt from getting into the water system
- Perfect for small or large flocks
- Huge capacity makes refilling less frequent
- Can be challenging to clean reservoir’s inside
Best Chicken Waterers for DIY owners
Homemade chicken waterers
Gather your pan, can, and any other sturdy container, such as a #10 (one-gallon) can. Make two holes about an inch up from the open end of the can, one on each side. Make sure the holes are lower than the lip of the cake pan you’re using.
You don’t need to do anything more than set the can on top of the cake pan and top it up with drinking water. Then, turn the pan on its side while holding it firmly. Now that the can is elevated above the pan, water may easily flow from the can’s two openings into the pan.
When the drinking water reaches the two openings, it will stop flowing. When your hens begin to drink, the water in the container automatically refills the pan. Who said automatic chicken waterers would be a hard diy project?
PVC Pipe chicken waterers
Using this PVC pipe chicken nipple waterer, you won’t have to deal with dirty toppled containers while still ensuring the water is BPA free.
Soda Bottle water system
To produce small holes in a 1-liter To produce small holes in a BPA free 1-liter plastic soda bottle, you’ll need to use a soldering iron and a few other items. soda bottle, you’ll need to use a soldering iron and a few other items.
After that, fill your 1-liter bottle with water, screw on the lid, and flip it over.
The water will then flow into the station, and the chickens may drink from the open end. When the bottle is empty, refill it.
Rain Collecting waterer
An automatic chicken waterer can be as simple or complex as you want it to be. Using a float valve and some basic plumbing supplies, like a water spigot- this project ensures that the water will have collected in rain barrels. It will then flow through an ordinary garden hose that delivers refreshing liquid directly into their drinking containers!
Nipple-bucket waterer
It is as simple as poking holes in the bottom of a bucket and adding the chicken nipple waterer to it.
The bucket of water is placed in a location where the bird has easy access to the water. You may have to demonstrate that water comes from the nipples, as this method has a slight learning curve, but they’ll catch on quickly.
Common Problems with Chicken Waterers
The most prevalent issue with chicken waterers is that the hens are prone to contaminating the drinking troughs with their droppings. After picking up dirt and dung off the floor, they dip their dirty beaks into the water to quench their thirst.
By lifting the chicken waterer above the ground, the water can stay clean longer. Alternatively, you may choose a location out of the coop’s scratching areas.
Water system leakage is a condition that affects both nipples and cups. Regardless of whether or not the product is assembled, it will leak. You’ll be OK as long as you correctly put the nipples and washers on. If the nipples don’t leak right away, they’re less likely to leak in the future, so be sure they are installed properly the first time.
What to Consider when Choosing a Chicken Waterer?
Number of rooms set up
The answer to how many waterers are needed depends on the amount of space in your coop. For example, one chicken waterer is plenty if you only have two or three chickens. However, if you have a large flock and multiple rooms in your coop, you’ll need a poultry waterer to accommodate many chickens.
Flock size
A good general rule of thumb is one chicken waterer for eight to ten birds. Aggressive birds are then discouraged to protect the water.
Buy a chicken waterer that is big enough for your flock’s needs. For example, one pint (473 ml) of water a day is the average amount of water. So, a poultry waterer that holds at least three quarts is required for six chickens.

Best Chicken Waterers Material (Plastic vs. Metal waterers)
Metal is more costly and prone to rusting when left exposed to the elements for an extended time. However, it’s a small price to pay for the added durability, and let’s not forget that models constructed of galvanized metal take longer to rust.
You may get a plastic chicken waterer for a lower price, which is also simpler to handle due to weight savings. On the other hand, if you live in an area where the plastic waterer is susceptible to freezing overnight, this is not the best material to use for a chicken waterer.
It would help if you looked for a strong plastic that does not contain Bisphenol-A (BPA) since BPAs are detrimental to the environment and living organisms.
Another consideration is the weather conditions in your area. For example, if you live in a cold climate, you’ll need to choose a water pot resistant to freezing. If you select a metal watering pot, make sure it’s galvanized steel.
In the same way, consider purchasing a water pot equipped with a small heater. It must keep your birds’ water from freezing, but not to the point where they find it unpleasant to drink.
It is something else you need to consider when choosing the best chicken waterer. For example, if you live in an area where the temperature regularly gets cold and falls below freezing, you’ll need to select a chicken waterer made of metal or plastic that won’t freeze.
Additionally, if you live in an area with high humidity, you’ll want to choose a chicken waterer made of plastic, so rust is not an issue.
User friendly
Consider whether or not the handles are of high quality before purchasing a more extensive model so that you can move about with ease despite the hefty weight.
Similarly, having a detachable top helps when it comes time to refilling.
It is essential to have a large waterer if you have many birds. Many chicken waterers are specifically made to hang for usage within a run or pen.
While some have short legs for standing on the ground outdoors, make sure your little chickens can access the water. Also, when designing a container, think about how easy it is to fill.
The simplest method is to unscrew the top or bottom parts. With this, you can quickly pour water because it opens up a lot of space.
Can I use the same waterer for chicks?
If you are raising chicks, they have slightly different waterer needs. Most chicken keepers purchase a separate no drown chick waterer to keep them safe.
How much water do Chickens Need?
Around one pint of water per day is what chickens drink on average. But, keep in mind that this amount may vary depending on the weather conditions and the chicken’s age. Young chickens require more water than older ones, and hot weather can cause chickens to drink more water.
Should I mix apple cider vinegar in the chicken water source?
Yes, you can mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar per gallon of water. It is a cost-effective way to boost the immune system of your chickens.
Do I need to clean the waterer?
Yes, it’s essential to clean your best chicken waterer regularly. Depending on the size of your flock and the type of waterer you’re using, you may need to clean it once a week or more often. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and disinfecting your chicken waterer.
Should I leave a chicken watering system in the coop?
It’s generally not good to leave a chicken waterer in the coop. Chickens are messy creatures, and their water will quickly become dirty if it’s left in the cage 24/7. If you’re using a waterer that needs to refilled frequently, it’s best to take it out to refill and put it back in once filled up. It will help keep the birdcage clean and free of water-borne diseases.
What is a heated chicken waterer?
Heated chicken waterers are gravity fed watering pot that supplies fresh water to chickens throughout the winter season. They contain a heating element to ensure the water temperature stays above freezing.
Conclusion for the best chicken waterer system
A watering system is essential for keeping your flock healthy and happy. There are many chicken waterers available, so be sure to choose one that will work best for your chickens.
If you live in a hot climate, you may need to consider a more elaborate water system that recycles the water inside the chicken cage. No matter what your climate is, it’s essential to clean and disinfect the chicken waterer regularly to prevent the spread of disease. Additionally, it’s a good idea to periodically take the chicken waterer out of the cage to keep the cage clean.
A chicken watering system will help keep your chickens laying eggs, and it can also save you time and hassle in the long run. Investing in a quality water system now will pay off many times in the years to come.