Have you ever seen a chicken eat potatoes, especially sweet potatoes? Even though sweet potatoes are not the primary food source for chickens, they can be a valuable source of nutrition and are safe for your flock to eat.
Read on to find out if chickens can eat sweet potatoes, the nutritional value they offer, and how to safely feed them to your feathered friends.
Chicken’s Nutritional Needs
Chicken requires a well-rounded diet that consists of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. While most people think that chicken feed in their chicken feeders is all grains, it actually consists of various ingredients.
The main source of protein in chicken feed comes from soybeans or fish meals. Carbohydrates come from cereals like wheat or corn. And lastly, vitamins and minerals are added to the feed to ensure that the chickens get everything they need.
In some cases, chicken keepers also feed potatoes to their lovely birds!
White Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes
While there are many different types of potatoes, the two that can be fed to chickens are white potatoes and sweet potatoes.
White potatoes belong to the nightshade family, while sweet potatoes are part of the morning glory family. White potatoes have a high starch content and not a lot of nutritional value. On the other hand, sweet potato is packed with nutrients like vitamins A and C, potassium, and fiber.
Can Chickens Eat Sweet Potatoes- What’s in a Sweet Potato?

Before deciding if chickens can eat sweet potatoes or if they are good for chickens, let’s take a look at what they’re made of.
Carbohydrate Content
Carbohydrates are the main nutrient in sweet potatoes, but they also contain a small amount of protein. It makes up about 86% of sweet potatoes. The other 14% is made up of water, fiber, and a variety of vitamins and minerals.
Vitamins and Minerals in Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin A, which is important for a chicken’s immune system, skin, and feathers. They are also a good source of vitamin C, which helps with wound healing.
In addition to vitamins A and C, it contains other vitamins and minerals like potassium, manganese, copper, pantothenic acid, and phosphorus.
Sweet Potato as Chicken Food- Are Sweet Potatoes Safe?
The answer is YES! Sweet potatoes are safe for chickens to eat. In fact, they can be a great source of nutrition for your feathered friends. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind when feeding sweet potatoes to your chickens.
When feeding sweet potato tuber to your chickens, make sure that they are cooked and mashed.
Can Chickens Eat Sweet Potato Leaves?

Yes, chickens can eat sweet potato leaves. Sweet potato leaves are packed with vitamins and minerals to help your chicken stay healthy and strong.
A few things to keep in mind when feeding sweet potato leaves to your chickens:
- Ensure that the leaves are cooked before feeding them to your chickens. Raw leaves can be tough for your chickens to digest.
- Chop the leaves into small pieces so that your chickens can easily eat them.
- Add sweet potato leaves to your chicken’s diet gradually to adjust their digestive system.
Can Chicken Have Raw Potato Peels?
For some chicken keepers, they feed their chickens all the sweet potato peelings, scraps, and leftovers without worry. However, while there is no harm in feeding sweet potato peels to your chickens, they can be tough for your chicken to digest. It’s best to avoid feeding sweet potato skins or peels to your chickens.
Can Chickens Have Sweet Potato Vines?
Some owners may have given potato vines to their chickens. But keep in mind that not all chicken owners have the same opinion on whether or not chickens can safely eat all parts of the sweet potato. So, if you’re unsure, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and avoid feeding sweet potato vines to your chickens.
Precautions While Feeding Sweet Potato
Now that you know the good side of eating sweet potatoes, let us look at a few precautions you need to take while feeding your chickens sweet potatoes.
Do Not Give Moldy Sweet Potatoes to Chickens
Moldy sweet potatoes can be dangerous for chickens. Mold can produce toxins that can make your chicken sick. So, if you have any musty sweet potatoes, do not feed them to your chickens.
Stay Away from Solanine
When feeding your chickens sweet potatoes, make sure they are cooked and mashed. Raw sweet potatoes can contain a compound called solanine, which can be toxic to chickens.
Potential Health Risks
Another thing to keep in mind is that sweet potatoes can cause diarrhea in chickens. So, if you notice that your chicken is having loose stools, stop feeding them sweet potatoes and observe their condition. If diarrhea persists, it’s best to consult a veterinarian.
A final precaution when feeding sweet potatoes to your chickens is to avoid overfeeding them. Sweet potatoes are high in sugar and can cause weight gain in chickens. So, feed them in moderation and as a treat instead of making it a regular part of their diet.
How Can I Feed Sweet Potatoes to Chickens: Raw vs. Cooked Potatoes
If you decide to feed sweet potatoes to your chickens, you can either feed them raw or cooked potatoes.
Can I Feed Raw Sweet Potatoes?
You can, but we don’t recommend it. When chickens eat raw sweet potatoes, they affect digestion. Raw sweet potatoes can be tough for your chicken to digest.
They can also contain a compound called solanine, which can be toxic to chickens. So, it’s best to avoid feeding them raw sweet potatoes.
Can I Feed Cooked Sweet Potatoes?
Yes, you can feed cooked sweet potato to your chickens. We recommend cooking the sweet potatoes before feeding them to your chickens. Cooking the sweet potatoes will make them easier for your chicken to digest.
How Do I Prepare Sweet Potatoes for Chickens?

Here are a few tips on how to prepare sweet potatoes for your chickens:
– Cut the sweet potato into small pieces so that your chickens can easily eat them.
– Add sweet potato leaves to your chicken’s diet gradually so that their digestive system can adjust.
– Cook the sweet potatoes before feeding them to your chickens.
– Mash the sweet potatoes before feeding them to your chickens.
– Do not feed moldy or raw sweet potatoes to your chickens.
When you’re ready to add sweet potatoes to your chicken’s diet, follow these tips, and you’ll be sure to give them a nutritious treat that they’ll love.
What Amount of Sweet Potato Can A Chicken Have?
Now that we’ve looked at some of the benefits and risks of giving sweet potatoes to chickens let’s answer the question: how many sweet potatoes can a chicken have?
As a general rule of thumb, you can feed your chicken 1-2 small sweet potato pieces per day. If you’re unsure how much to feed your chicken, it’s always best to start with a smaller amount and then gradually increase the amount.
Can Chickens Eat Sweet Potatoes- Conclusion

In conclusion, sweet potatoes can be a healthy treat for your chicken. But there are a few things to keep in mind when feeding them to your flock. Make sure that you cook the sweet potatoes before feeding them to your chicken. Besides, you should give mashed sweet potatoes to your chicken to eat. And, as with all things, moderation is key. So, don’t overfeed your sweet chicken potatoes. Stick to 1-2 small pieces per day. Following these tips will ensure that your chicken enjoys a healthy treat that they love.
Related Questions
Besides sweet potatoes, which other foods are safe for your chickens?
The following is the list of healthy foods that are safe for your chickens:
- Apples
- bananas
- blueberries
- cantaloupe
- carrots
- grapes
- green beans
- mangoes
- peaches
- pears
- pineapple
- spinach
Which foods are not suitable for your chickens?
Some food like chocolate, coffee, onion, rhubarb, and xylitol is not highly recommended to be part of the chicken’s regular diet.